Vision Zero Merseyside
Proposals to eradicate fatal and serious injuries to pedestrians and cyclists in Merseyside | Outline proposals published in October 2013 - written by members of
- Wirral Pedestrians Association
- Merseyside Cycling Campaign
- Liverpool Pedestrians Association.
NewsDfT road casualty data from 2013 remained poor for Merseyside pedestrians and cyclists - the pedestrian casualty rate (deaths or serious injuries) was again the worst in Great Britain
- the cyclist total of deaths or serious injuries was at a 20-year high
- 53% of deaths or serious road casualties were pedestrians or cyclists
- there were two child deaths - one was a child cyclist and the other a child pedestrian.
see here Active Travel in Liverpool: an unmet opportunity for health and wellbeing. Merseyside Cycling Campaign made a submission to the Mayoral Commission on Sustainability in July 2014 See here.
Merseyside Cycling Campaign made a presentation to to the Liverpool Council Road Safety Scrutiny Panel in June 2014. See here.
- Read the Outline Proposals here
- Download the Outline Proposals as a .pdf from here
- Read the responses to our proposals here, including Robert Goodwill's and the Liverpool Echo's.